REAL Love & Dating Advice
Kailen’s Favorite Pick of The Week – Everyday Gratitude
Happiness is rooted in gratitude. In this beautiful collection, you’ll find inspiring quotes and thoughts from well-known minds such as Maya Angelou, Confucius, and Anne Frank combined with original reflections and practices to help you recognize the abundance of opportunities for gratitude and joy – all around you, every day.
Unpacking the Past to Embrace a Beautiful Future Filled with Love
THE LOVE ARCHITECTS®REAL Love & Dating AdviceUnpacking the Past to Embrace a Beautiful Future Filled with LoveEvery moment and every relationship in your life is experienced through what still has yet to be healed. From childhood wounds, to the undealt-with...
Navigating Love in Turbulent Times
THE LOVE ARCHITECTS®REAL Love & Dating AdviceNavigating Love in Turbulent TimesWhat extraordinary times we find ourselves in. Amidst the chaos, we are also gifted with countless blessings and lessons. I witness the beauty of love stories unfolding between...
Kailen’s Favorite Pick of The Week -AMBER Gemstone Perfume
THE LOVE ARCHITECTS®REAL Love & Dating AdviceKailen's Favorite Pick of The Week - Everyday GratitudeDuring a recent visit to Palm Beach, I had an encounter with a gentleman I was interviewing on behalf of a client. One would think that his statuesque six-foot-four...
Just as you would only hire the very best when it comes to architecture and design to build your dream home, you should only do the same when designing and building your love life - Especially, when seeking the right partner with whom to share your life.