Well, we certainly didn’t expect this did we? And what timing! A mental, physical, and yes, for many… a spiritually forced pause to go within, when we are being told to be inside.

I say, it’s time to “go inside”.

As many of you who have been through a few things in life know, this could be a special, no…necessary… actually.. a “spectacular” chance for us to have and ‘live’ more life and love than ever before. Truly.

As we all sit in what I see as a big “time out”, this is what I mean.

As a Love Architect, healer, coach, intuitive, as a matchmaker… Prior to this pandemic that is one clearly of a ‘health’ issue, I found myself sitting back over the last several years, months, weeks, days… realizing the reality of the feelings I’d been having of deep sadness and frustration with what was occurring for far too many, actually most all of us. A space that we had learned in one way or another to accept. To me, another pandemic of a different sort. A “pandemic” of self-absorption and of self-loathing, of self-told lies, for far too long.

As people reached out to me, (especially, to find love), I noticed a universal theme occurring, and it wasn’t good. In fact, it, the self-bought theme was doing everything but attract the very love so many (the majority) were searching for in their lives. Far too many of you have been buying into an attitude of ‘scarity’, especially when it came (prior to this pandemic, right!) to really knowing and truly loving themselves (yourself) – ‘settling’ in this precious life ALL over the place, blaming everything that wasn’t working on ‘things’ ‘outside’ themselves and using excuses such as.. “too busy”, “too wounded”, ‘too old’, “not enough time”, “don’t trust”, “all of the good ones are taken”, “not enough this, not enough that”, etc., etc.. Yet when I shared this thought with most of them – they didn’t agree. You see, here is where their reality really was: (‘your’ reality actually) they (you) have a decent life, a good life really! Money in the bank (enough to be happy, truly), family around – to different degrees, friends who care about you, perhaps a pet you can cuddle, a good job (all left to interpretation you say?), those who have made it clear they ‘like’ even love you, or sweetly find you attractive (beautiful). You probably have a decent body (or better), your ‘health’ (you’re alive), clothes in the closet, shoes (at least a pair), savings in the bank or in a jar filled with change… Perhaps you’ve been able to travel (even to the next state over)… Yet, I would still hear repeatedly how unhappy you all were when it really came down to it, how you needed someone by your side to be ‘truly’ happy (even though you always had YOU.). And yet, with literally millions of singles in the world ‘both’ on and off-line seeking you, yes, YOU, even with ex’s who’d love another chance, or a partner ‘right now’ who has you, yet do they??? Nonetheless, you said you were lonely. With ALL of that beautiful life around you happening… lonely. And here we are today, this isn’t a scolding, it’s a loving wake-up call. And yet, I bet you’d give anything to go out after some of that today!!!! The great news is, you can! Imagine what you would do with life now, where you could go ‘anywhere’, be with whomever you want, do what mattered most, without having to distance yourself! Humans to love who want to love you back all around you. Do you see where the issue lies? Notice the last word of the prior sentence? Lies.

So, today let’s go for truth! Which is where I love to bring my clients so that they… YOU, can have ALL that you deserve; that you actually already have!!! Are you seeing it now? As you sit in this “spiritual time out”? You ALREADY have everything you could possibly need to be happy! Do you see that you have been ignoring the very one who can actually make that happen? YOU.

So, as we sit UNDER CONSTRUCTION, yes, that beautiful construction site of your life, you have a moment to pause to look at the foundation of what your life has been sitting on – until now. And you can pour a new one, a fresh foundation. You can build new walls (boundaries of and for healthy self-love), you can design your life to be exactly the way you desire, the way you have always deserved it to be!

So, who’s in for re-building a new experience in life following this very spiritual quarantine – so that you can live the life that has been waiting on you? On all of us following this time out for planning our blueprint? READY? Let’s do it!

These are the steps:

Step one: Make a list, as long as you can about what you “won’t” accept ‘first’ from yourself and others anymore. The things that have stolen life from you prior to this pandemic, where we are all being told to ‘stay inside’- I say “go inside” (spiritually).


Step two: Make a pact and a plan through a vision board (yep a new one) as to just what your new life after this pandemic is over, when you get to go and do WHATEVER you want – is going to look and feel like! How exciting!


Step three: Write a letter to yourself and to those your heart is pinging you about and make amends, send love, be love. With the be love part, I mean it! Look into the eyes of those you love who need you. See them.


Step four: TAKE CARE OF YOU! Eat better, stretch, meditate, pray, breathe in fresh air, listen to the birds, great music, dance, laugh, live in gratitude for what you’ve always had and will no longer ignore! And last but not least… KNOW that love is there waiting and is excited for you to finally trust it!